


产品名称: 地下金属探测仪型号:ZHFL-MLL
产品型号: ZHFL-MLL
产品展商: 国产
产品文档: *相关文档


地下金属探测仪型号:ZHFL-MLLright here in the USA. Covers 24,000 square feet,approximately 1/2 acre(覆盖面积24000平方英尺(相当于610平方米),大约3亩地左右).


When a strong low frequency signal is transmitted through the ground from one probe to ather, the wave used is a "carrier." The FL-MLL has a special low frequency wave that travels great distances in the ground. The wave will take the path of least resistance through the ground. Precious metals are easy for the wave to travel through. If metal or a highly conductive target is in the wave's trajectory, it encounters less resistance along its path. A stronger carrier wave will return to the receiving probe. When this happens the Target Response Lamp on the FL-MLL lights. A metered response will also be indicated on the control panel of the MLL. Using this techlogy, many discoveries have been made in Greece, Mexico, the Philippines and right here in the USA.
Covers 24,000 square feet,approximately 1/2 acre(覆盖面积24000平方英尺(相当于610平方米),大约3亩地左右).

Determines size, shape and depth to 130 feet

User friendly, one switch for 6-way testing

Extra large meter for easy reading(物体越大越容易测量)

4 - copper plated rods(4根铜天线)

4 - 110 ft wire spools(4根110英尺的卷轴线圈)

Battery, charger & connectors(电池,充电器及连接附件)

Dummy loads

w you can see what is buried before digging!(具体都能探测到什么哪?)

Locate Treasures, Gold Veins, Caves(定位地下的矿藏,如金矿,地下空洞等)

Find what the old timers missed. In many cases they missed large deposits of gold or silver just a few feet from where they worked. Many treasures have been walked away from in the same manner. w come back to these locations and cash in. The Mother Load Locator is a proven instrument based upon today's techlogy. Looking for a Deep Cache? Are you trying to locate deeply buried coins or bullion? Looking for Spanish gold bars or buried treasure? Or perhaps you are a prospector trying to locate a placer pay streak, abandoned tunnel or cave?

The FL-MLL is used by treasure hunters to "electronically" locate gold, silver, copper, and brass hoards. Prospectors have been using the unit for identifying the changes in soil conductivity, all with great success!(FL-MLLL经常被作为寻宝器用来探测地下的金,银,铜或者青铜器等金属物体.仪器的操作者经常根据仪器电导率的不同来判断底下所掩埋的不同金属物体.)

Measuring resistivity, engineers under our direction have perfected a method of using special electronic charging waves that charge the ground and measure the returning resistivity of the wave. It is similar to a standard metal detector, except with a metal detector you are limited to the size of the search coil, with very little depth and area coverage.

With the FL-MLL a signal is sent out to look for targets as deep as 130 feet. Imagine the amount of time you save and the ground you can cover!


The concept behind which the MLL was developed is the use of FERF's, or Free Electron Radiation Fields. All buried precious metals suffer a slight deterioration due to acid rain, sw and other chemicals. When acid and ultra high radiation contacts metals, a free electron radiation field is created. The longer an object is buried the stronger the field. When the MLL sends a Carrier Wave into the ground it sinks and disperses. It finds the radiation field surrounding the precious metal and will automatically tune to it. The MLL measures the return between various points with the ground probes. As a drop in resistivity is ted or certain readings in the gold or silver ranges are ted, the FL-MLL will find the target. After a target has been pinpointed, its depth can be determined with the FL-MLL. This is done by moving the ground probes closer to each other, the meter readings will continue to get lower. Depth is approximately half of the distance where the lowest reading occurred. Through positioning of probes and meter readings, the MLL will also determine the size and shape of targets.

How the FL-MLL Works

The FL-MLL requires special permits to operate. It does t use explosives or chemicals like other systems. The MLL finds nferrous metals and will locate tunnels or abandoned mines. The unit is portable, approximately 35 pounds, and is sealed in a heavy duty water tight carrying case. It can be set up quickly, probes driven in the ground and connecting wires run in a matter of minutes. The MLL is powered by a 12-volt rechargeable sealed battery and generates a 5 amp. 20 volt signal. Both the battery and a recharging system are included with the Mother Load Locator. A Carrier Wave signal is sent between the ground rods with the strength measured six different directions. This will identify conductive ground and possible targets to be recovered! If the meter has a low resistance reading, there is probably a large cache of metal present. The MLL will also locate targets in wood, iron and tin containers buried far beneath the ground.



  邮编:100055   电话:010-89942167/89942170 传真:010-89942170